Webinar: Introduction to Broad Ion Beam (BIB): A Preparation Tool for Microanalysis - Top Analytica
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Webinar: Introduction to Broad Ion Beam (BIB): A Preparation Tool for Microanalysis

06/06/2024   klo   15:00 16:00


Proper sample preparation is crucial for obtaining reliable information about any kind of material. Cross-sectioning of solid materials can be accomplished through various methods, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, selecting the appropriate method for a specific sample type is important.

This webinar will focus on Broad Ion Beam (BIB) milling and provide an introduction to the method, followed by examples of different types of samples prepared with BIB. This method is particularly well-suited for delicate samples that could be damaged or altered during mechanical preparation.

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    Check out also our previous webinar: Modern analytical tools for coating degradation characterization

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