Instruction and forms - Top Analytica

Sampling instructions for material samples

Asbestos is a carcinogenic, needle-like mineral whose access to the lungs is a risk of respiratory illness or even cancer. Asbestos-minerals decompose well to thin fibrous particles, which are part of the dust in the air. Hazardous asbestos fibers are so small that they can not see them. In the safe handling of asbestos samples, respiratory and skin protection must be taken into account in an appropriate manner, as well as for the safety of other parties in the handling of samples (eg postman, laboratory staff). When picking up or handling an asbestos sample, always assume that there is asbestos in the site and prepare for this.

Material samples are mainly sealing and fastening plastics for building materials, various smoothing materials, mats, plastic mats and insulation and shielding plates. It should be borne in mind that there may be an old layer of material under one floor, eg an old Carpet floor left under a new floor. When sampling, therefore, it is important to ensure that all materials that are dismantled in demolition are properly analyzed. If you do your own refurbishment and are not sure what you are doing, contact the asbestos professionals and ask for an asbestos survey.


The general guideline is such that the plate-like sample (tile, plate, etc.) should be about match piece size and a powdery sample (eg squares) about a tablespoonful. Avoid excess dusting during sampling. If you take several samples with the same tools, always clean the tools between sampling so that the samples do not cause contamination between each other. Samples must not be combined!

Instruments need to Minigrip bags, a pen and the sampling means such as e.g. a knife, chisel, screwdriver, drill, etc. (depending on the material). In addition to the pen, it would be good to have a bag that gets written on the side of the bag. You will also need an order form to enter all the information required for the analysis. It would also be good to have a personal protective equipment such as protective clothing, gloves and respiratory protection (class P3 filter).

  1. Remove the sample bin (s) and pack them in the Minigrip bag. Be sure that is accompanied by analysis, see all the desired materials (eg. The filler, grout and adhesive). Close the bag in an airtight manner so that no excess air is left in the bag.
  2. Put the packed sample bag in another clean Minigrip bag and close it carefully.
  3. Mark the mark on the top of the top of the bag and make a detailed description of the specimen on the order form. (Eg apartment A21, kitchen intermediate filling: sealing mortar, bonding mortar and leveling device)
  4. Pack each sample separately in its own bag. Be careful and avoid cross-contamination of the samples. Avoid exposing the surfaces of clean bags to the dust of the sampling object.
  5. Fill in your order form with your contact information and sampling destination, and make sure that the sample identifiers and specimens of all samples are properly recorded.
  6. Pack sample bags and order form in a durable envelope or package so that the bags remain intact even during transport
  7. Send / bring samples to Top Analytica and get an answer as a report in your email as soon as the sample is analyzed.
  • Top Analytica Oy Ab
  • Ruukinkatu 4, 20540 Turku, Finland (Old Mill courtyard)
  • Phone: +358 2 2827780
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